Play With My Box

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Gears of War: RAAM Killer

The Xbox 360 news is flowin' and I have a stack of stories to publish but I really just want to crow about my Gears of War achievements for this week.

Several weeks ago, Taylor blogged about his Top 10 Xbox 360 Achievements. I don't have anything close to 10 achievements that I find especially noteworthy, just the satisfaction of defeating General RAAM, the end boss of Gears of War on Insane difficulty.

Opinions differ on how difficult it is to beat Insane General RAAM. To put things in perspective, it only took me one or two tries on the two lesser difficulty levels (Casual & Hardcore) to best RAAM. The battle was more of a polite ritual. Truth be told, getting through the various stages on Hardcore was far more challenging than fighting the end boss. And it shouldn't be this way! C'mon, it's the End Boss, the Big Cheese. RAAM crumpled after little more than a handful of shotgun blasts to his ugly mug.

On Insane, my friend and I probably clocked in about twenty attempts, amounting to 60-80 minutes of play time. We cried and cursed. There was much throwing up of our hands and sighing. Then we cursed some more. But we finally pulled through it.

How did we do it? To be frank, I don't think our method can be duplicated with any rate of success. It was just a lot of luck and persistence that got us through. I armed myself with a sniper rifle and shotty, while my friend passed off the shotgun for his trusty Lancer. Upon arrival at the grand showdown, we simply parked our asses at the first block of cover and began pelting away at RAAM's face with sniper fire. As he got closer, we emptied out our supply of grenades on him, to no avail really, since he was protected by the Kryll most of the way.

Then the real fun began. RAAM got to within kissing range and we simply hid. Yes, we stayed cowering behind our cover, which suddenly felt way too small for two fully-armoured manly-men marines. Oh, we also did something else. Blindfire. We blind-fired like there was no tomorrow. Me with the shotgun, and my friend with his Lancer. It was a fantastic game of cat and mouse as RAAM circled around our cover, we quickly hopped over and hunkered back down on the other side. Then we waited for him to point his mottled ol' finger, which signaled the flight of his Kryll entourage, and we unloaded on him. Repeat and rinse. Eventually, the crazy general gave up the ghost and mercifully allowed us to finish our grueling trek through the Insane campaign.

Is this best way to tackle RAAM? Probably not. He would foil our little dance around cover countless times, shooting us while we were halfway over or simply just getting a good angle on us and blowing us away even while we thought we were safely behind cover. Other times, I'd try to cheat and walk around our block of salvation and be torn to bits by the swarm of Kryll. I can't imagine how hard it would be to battle him solo, with the brain-dead AI-controlled Dom watching my back. Uggh.

Well, I just wanted to share that scintillating story with you. I really enjoy the Achievements system for the 360 and beating Gears of War on Insane is the first of my achievements that I am truly proud of.

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At 7:33 p.m., Blogger Taylor M said...

I take my hat off to you, sir. I had the darnedest time trying to beat RAAM just on casual difficulty.

At 10:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to play through it the rest of the way on Insane. I think I got through the first two acts before I got side tracked with other games. I don't tend to replay game's single player modes after I beat them once. GoW was no exception, but since I'm an Achievement Whore there is a good chance I'll get back to it eventually.

At 9:36 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi im not a member of this site but i read this trying to figure out how to beat him on casual but i am solo and my partner keeps dying and it pisses me off im with the lancer and sniper not the greatest combo and i cant even seem to hurt him o well

At 12:53 p.m., Blogger Clinton said...

Hey there, welcome to the blog. I can't comment too much on beating Raam solo since I've always done it in co-op. Casual difficulty is not too bad. Just grab a long-range weapon (sniper or torque bow) and the shotty and make sure you use those grenades. Raam should be dead before he even gets to that first block of cover.


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