Play With My Box

Monday, May 07, 2007

Unfaithful Gamer

"A man is only as faithful as his options."

Such are the wise words uttered by Chris Rock during one of his classic stand-up comedy routines. He was of course referring to men's natural fidelity to women (or lack thereof). The spirit of the joke, however, applies just as easily to gaming. Now before you think this post is going to be a tell-all confessional of all my techno-fetishist deviancies, let me assure you it's not nearlythat kinky.

I'll elucidate you with more of my verbage after the jump.

We live in a multi-platform age, this much is true. I'm willing to bet 99% of all Xbox 360 owners have at least one other game console plugged in to their home entertainment system or a PC in the house with The Sims or World of Warcraft installed on the drive.

I have a PC in my room that I used for gaming up until I bought my 360 last December. Then it was aaalll about the console gaming for 4 straight months. Play With My Box was born and I thought the 360 would be my main squeeze until the 720 is announced in 2010. That prediction turned out to be fabulously unrealistic. If you haven't yet noticed, X360 owners are in a new release drought at the moment, with the sole big releases this month being C&C 3 and the Halo 3 beta. Not to say that isn't keeping with the general retail pattern with game consoles, when the spring and summer months are typically very dry and the deluge of blockbuster hits all pour out in the two months leading up to Christmas.

The games industry REALLY should adopt the Hollywood model of releasing over-budget blockbusters during the summer and rushing out the serious, high falutin "Oscar bait" just prior to Christmas. Sadly, the typical summer drought of game releases is probably based on hard, empirical retailing statistics, as hard to believe as that is. I mean, gamers are gamers, and we are going to buy and play games year-round if there's good stuff to be had.

But I digress slightly. The point of all this is to say I have been "stepping out" on my 360. That's right. My PC has lured me back into its warm embrace for the past couple of weeks. It all started with the innocent downloading of the Puzzle Quest demo. The turn-based fantasy trappings of that game lead to my purchase of Disciples 2 Gold over Steam, in blatant disregard to rumours of credit card information hacking I might add. The snowballing cullminated to my long overdue return to the world's greatest "free" MMO, Guild Wars.

Much like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars is an addictive, crack-like substance that sucks you in hard and keeps you up way to0 late, way too often. Only this past weekend have I returned to my neglected wife Xbox and humoured her with joyless rounds of M:UA, Gears of War and Rainbow Six: Vegas. It's all a bit discombobulating and even a little dirty, but I've always been a single-platform gamer. Juggling the PC and Xbox 360 is a naughty business that I'm only just getting used to.

But don't judge me. When was the last time YOU snuck away from your main gaming platform to get some side action?



At 1:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flash games have been grabbing my attention recently, but in addition to C&C3 (which I'm looking forward to) Shadowrun is coming out this summer. When I first heard about Shadowrun I was not interested, but the more I read the more I think I'll like it. Part of the reasons I love Rainbow Six: Vegas is because I can customize my character and because the game requires team work and tactics to win. Shadowrun looks like it will have both of these and a faster gameplay style. I'm not 100% sold on Shadowrun yet, but I've heard there will be a demo released before the game comes out so I should have all my questions answered when I try it.

At 12:58 a.m., Blogger Clinton said...

Ooh, yes I forgot about Shadowrun. That's coming out later this month or next. The gaming press have all tried out the beta and no one has had anything bad to say about it. Quite the opposite.

It would take a lot to topple R6 as my online FPS of choice. We shall have to see!

At 7:41 a.m., Blogger Taylor M said...

Just curious, will you fellows probably get the game (Shadowrun) on PC or 360?

As for my gaming faithfulness, I was pretty faithful to my Gamecube, that being my only current-gen system, but we had an open relationship so I dabbled in other stuff.

At 8:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be getting Shadowrun (assuming I like the demo) for my 360. I prefer to game on my TV because it is a lot bigger than my monitor and because I can play at mu couch with surround sound.

At 12:46 p.m., Blogger Clinton said...

I'd get Shadowrun for the X360 as well because my PC is minimum spec, I don't have Vista, I like voice chat and I find the controller more comfortable these days.

Cheating on your Gamecube! Your secret is safe with us...


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