Play With My Box

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Boom Boom" Rockets XBLA Today

Being so unplugged from the games news in the last week and a bit, I didn't even realize it was New Release Day on Xbox Live Arcade until late this morning. After viewing another unsatisfactory episode of Lost on the Box, I absently checked the Marketplace and was pleasantly surprised to find Boom Boom Rocket available for download. My thoughts on this game and other junk after the fabled jump!

Boom Boom Rocket (BBR) is the latest release from Bizarre Creations, creators of the unassuming shooter hit, Geometry Wars. It's another entry in the popular "musical rhythm" genre of games. In light of the major release of a certain other rhythm game, BBR really comes across as a poor man's alternative. In other words, publisher EA and Microsoft's timing could have been a little better. Or maybe, given the prohibitive barrier to entry of Guitar Hero 2 (GH2) ($90!), their timing could not be more perfect, especially for gamers on a budget like myself.

I traditionally avoid these rhythm games and as a result my skills with timing button presses to flashing lights and music are appropriately crude. A round with BBR on "Easy" was fun enough but I can't say I was wow'ed by the music or the games raison d'etre. Exploding fireworks in time to a song is stretching the gaming analogy a lot more than say, well, actually playing a guitar to popular rock tunes. While waiting for bodywork repairs I strolled into Best Buy this afternoon and took Guitar Hero 2 for a spin... and after stumbling through Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box, I was sold. The guitar controller may have cramped my left hand a little, but I still wanted to play more.

This difference in impact between BBR and GH2 pretty much underlies the separation between retail and XBLA games. One guarantees a full gaming experience while the other serves as an entertaining diversion.

My hope in the coming week is that my gaming bud, Heero yuy sr, can score a copy of GH2 (despite the cost, it's selling like hotcakes) and invite me over for an all-night jam session.

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At 8:30 p.m., Blogger Taylor M said...

I will definitely try out Boom Boom Rocket once I recover from the Guitar Hero fever. Though after Guitar Hero, I don't know how it will be able to compare.

At 3:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried it out, but I just could not get into it.

I heard on Major Nelson's podcast today that they are going to release a free update that gives it more features. Maybe I'll try it again after they do.

At 3:24 p.m., Blogger Clinton said...

Thanks for commenting, Jigsaw, and welcome to the blog.

I wonder what kind of features will come with the update? I think with these type of games it really comes down to the music and how well it can make you get into the rhythm of the game. With BBR, there's too much of a disconnect between the music (which isn't that great) and detonating fireworks on a horizontal line.


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