Play With My Box

Friday, January 26, 2007

Lost in Translation - Lost Planet Review

Xbox 360 game from Capcom: Lost Planet

Heero has kindly decided to contribute to PWMB once in while and recently submitted his review of Capcom's latest release, Lost Planet. Here's what he had to say:

Like many people I was quite eager to get my copy of Lost Planet home, crack it open and start blowing away some alien bugs. But little did I know, I would have to go through a moderately long intro to what the game is all about. They don’t tell you too much in the beginning, they expect you to play through the 11 missions and find out what the story is about, who your character is, and what the point is to this molten goo you have to pick up after blowing up the environment or laying waste to the alien bugs. (The goo is actually what keeps you alive in the game; think of it as health packs)

Rather then writing a massive essay about the game, here are the pros and cons of the game with handy bullet points.


• Graphics are amazing, rendered the snow pretty nicely
• Controlling mechs, that has to be fun to some people, big mechs with massive weapons that can be changed by finding new ones laying around the world.
• Interface, it’s pretty clean, not a lot of stuff on your screen to clutter it up
• Radar comes in handy
• Can bypass all enemies and rush straight to the end boss
• Almost everything can be destroyed, and give off energy to keep you alive
• Cool explosions


• Control need to get use to, not quite a standardized system like most third person/first person shooters
• Easily get lost in a world covered in snow, no real landmarks to locate, other then small waypoints that need to be activated.
• Character moves at a slow pace
• Can be easily knocked off of a ledge, or during grappling.
• Can’t grapple and jump at the same time.
• Game pace is slow, what seems to be 10 minutes of game play feels like an hour

So really Lost Planet isn’t a bad game, just too many issues with the game to make it a decent one honestly. They have some good ideas in the game, ones that might benefit in other games, but all in all Lost Planet is a game you would either love or hate.

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