Play With My Box

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Gamer Perversions: Manual Huffer

I've been slow to warm up to Destructoid's podcast, Podtoid for any number of reasons. I love the blog and most days appreciate its irreverent and caustic take on gaming. The podcast has been a little trickier to enjoy and much of it was based on the first episode I ever listened to. It was their first show following the Game Developers Conference this winter and the hosts were killing me with their in-joke ridden blather. Among the nearly 90 minutes of that episode, probably only 30 minutes of talk was related to gaming news. Talk about losing your focus!

The most recent Podtoid has been a lot more pleasant. The strong opinions, swearing, camaraderie and in-jokes were all there but I this time I actually had fun listening to it. I actually lawled at one point when the hosts went on another tangent and talked about huffing game manuals.

Oh my god, you don't know how much I relate to that. I used to sniff manuals to new games all the time. It was a ritual. I also agree with one of the Podtoid'ers about how manuals nowadays have been losing that special scent they all used to have.

Gamers and non-gamers alike may wonder what the attraction is to smelling the pages of a crisp, new game manual. I would justify it by comparing it to enjoying the smell of a new car or the comforting aroma of fresh, homemade bakery.

I'm curious if the Podtoid cast and I are the only manual huffers out there. Raise your hands out there if you do this too. You know who you are.

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At 2:49 p.m., Blogger Taylor M said...

*Raises Hand. I don't get new games very often, and I love most new thing smells. Mmm...

P.S - I may have to give the Podtoid a try. The blog itself never really drew me, but I'm always up for podcasts with a sense of humor.

At 3:18 p.m., Blogger Clinton said...

I'd recommend the most recent one (episode 22 methinks) if you want to check out a games podcast that is quite different from the standard fare.

Like the blog, the podcast can be a bit "too cool for school". It can be downright tiring at times. In the end, however, it's still easy to relate to them as fellow passionate gamers.

At 9:04 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rent most of the games I play these says so when I do actually buy a game it is such a great feeling to open the case for the first time.


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