Play With My Box

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Halfway Til Bliss is the Bomb Diggity

"Halfway Til Bliss" by Atlas Plug (Tom Salta) is the theme song for Crackdown as far as I'm concerned. I fell in love with it after watching the famous Achievements video and last night I finally hunted down the track information in the Crackdown jukebox.

If there's been a common criticism of the game so far, it's been the unflattering descriptors aimed at the soundtrack. "Repetitive", "Forgettable" and "Generic" are just some of the adjectives that I've read in the reviews. Hogwash, I say. Sure there are no major artists licensed for the extensive soundtrack and there are a number of grating drum n'bass tunes thrown in the mix. And yes, not even a gem like "Halfway Til Bliss" comes close to matching anything Jeremy Soule can fart out on even his worse day. But c'mon... the tunes fit the game like a glove. A futuristic, gritty setting like Pacific City screams for a techno beat and that's what it has. Just because there's no license radio Top40 crap doesn't make the soundtrack any less effective.

Now if only I could find a way to just buy "Bliss" instead of the entire Atlas Plug album. The other tracks aren't bad, just nothing special.

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